Loyalty always pays off!
Dear customers, we really appreciate that you have chosen us for your purchases. As a thank you for your trust, we offer you more favorable purchase conditions within our loyalty club. As a registered member of our loyalty club, you get a lifetime DISCOUNT of 5% on every purchase you make. In addition, you will never miss a thing, because we will regularly inform you about all news, special offers and discount events.
Sign up and start enjoying all your benefits right away!

Loyalty point system
Thanks to registration in our e-shop, you will not only get an automatic discount of 5% on every purchase, but at the same time you can take advantage of other benefits and discounts by being included in our loyalty point system.
For every purchase, you get loyalty points, thanks to which you save on your next purchase. In short, every point counts and has its price. The value of one point = 1 CZK. You can see the points for each product and they will be added to your account after completing the purchase. You can use them right away on your next purchase and thanks to the points you can get a discount on whatever you need at the moment.
Remember to log in to your customer account before each purchase. Backloading of points for purchases made without logging in is not possible.